Courtney Oriotis

Famous Couple

Book Cover



Famous Couples





When designing a book that featured symbols of a famous couple, two people came to mind. Those two people were Elizabeth Swann and William Turner. Both characters had really intriguing attributes that I wanted to be represented in the design of the cover. Elizabeth Swann is elegant and fierce while William Turner is charming and powerful. 

The objects that I chose are representative of their relationship with one another, not just themselves as individuals. The gun symbolizes both of their strength and vigor while the necklace represents their lifelong connection as it is what led to the commencement of their journey. Of all of the design options, this final composition best reflected the relationship between the two characters. Additionally, the final design proved to be the most intriguing, especially since we were limited by the three-color options visible in the design (black/white/orange #F58344). The first two images below are the final designs while the other three images are sketches.

Potential Symbol Sketches

William Turner Pistol

Medallion Necklace

Elizabeth & William’s Swords

Heart Pieced by Dagger

