Courtney Oriotis

Courtney Oriotis

Graphic Designer

My name is Courtney Oriotis and I am a San Diego based Graphic Designer.

I am the type of Graphic Designer that lets my personal life experiences influence my work. Coming from a multicultural background (American & French), I have used this to my advantage when creating my own work. I tend to gravitate towards clean, elegant, and minimalistic designs which comes from my exposure to French designs and art throughout my upbringing. However, I also implement some more subtle playful elements that are more prevalent in American design and art.

My personal interests/hobbies also have a positive impact on my design process. When developing a new project, I take inspiration from nature, music, and photography. They provide so many opportunities to ponder and create something new, interesting, and thought-provoking. These interests are a means of clearing my mind and refocusing my ideas in a different manner.

Graphic Design allows me to explore all of my interests in a variety of different artistic mediums. I am particularly interested in Packaging, Print, and UI/UX. These areas are extremely diverse and allow for a lot of experimentation and exploration. Given the opportunity, I would love to further explore these areas of Graphic Design.

Feel free to contact me about any design opportunities!

Work History


04.2022 – 07.2022

Graphic Design


Front Runner Sports

03.2022 – 06.2022

Graphic Design



  • AIGA


  • BFA Graphic Design
  • San Diego State University